Poor things!
Whenever I'm making an attempt to learn some rule that is not all that simple, I get a little annoyed that it's not coming to me easily. In about 5 minutes, however, I end up thinking the same thing - God! It must be so tough for a French person to learn English! It's got a million exceptions and a billion expressions and idioms and the pronunciation varies like nothing else on this planet. At least in French and German you have fixed rules to follow for pronunciation and the exceptions are easy to remember!
Our client is based in Paris. Our request documents are written by a French guy. He hasn't figured out the difference between "as" and "than" yet. Now, this poses some serious problems for me. I get a request like "The value of the Gross Amount for the Versement Libre should be greater as the Versement Initial but not as great or equal than the Rachat Partiel". Errr..... huh?
Anyway, I am very happy indeed, that I know English and have to learn French. I would've gone crazy trying to learn good old anglais otherwise!
Our client is based in Paris. Our request documents are written by a French guy. He hasn't figured out the difference between "as" and "than" yet. Now, this poses some serious problems for me. I get a request like "The value of the Gross Amount for the Versement Libre should be greater as the Versement Initial but not as great or equal than the Rachat Partiel". Errr..... huh?
Anyway, I am very happy indeed, that I know English and have to learn French. I would've gone crazy trying to learn good old anglais otherwise!